1. Create the artwork described in the video (entries will be approved by Pastor Anderson)
2. Entries must be submitted by February 9, 2011
3. Submit your entries to info@faithfulwordbaptist.org or leave a comment with a link to your entry at http://sanderson1611.blogspot.com/2011/01/evolution-art-contest.html
4. Entries can be made using any medium (pencil or ink drawing, painting, computer drawing, photoshop, etc, etc)
5. Entries will be voted on between February 10 and February 14 at http://www.sanderson1611.blogspot.com
1st prize = $30 gift card
2nd prize = $20 gift card
3rd prize = $10 gift card
for your choice of either Amazon.com, Bass Pro Shops, Barnes & Noble, Borders, Whole Foods, Michael's, or Fry's Electronics.
void where prohibited
Entry #1 - Pencil Drawing with a few touch-ups in an editor

Entry #2 - Motivational Poster

Entry #3 - Photo-editing Software (click to enlarge)

Entry #4 (click to enlarge)

Entry #5 - colored pencil drawing

Entry #6

Entry #7 - watercolor (click to enlarge)

Entry #8 - pencil drawing

Entry #9

Entry #10

Entry #11 - pencil drawing

Entry #12

Entry #13 - pen and ink drawing, colored in photoshop (click to enlarge)

Entry #14
Entry #15

I would like to hear your thoughts about the ongoing Wikileaks situation with the American diplomatic cables.
I have very strong, nigh passionate opinions about the Wikileaks. I would also love to hear your thoughts about the government's (and the world's) handling of Wikileaks.
-Elizabeth, one of Zsuzsanna's faithful readers
That kind of stupidity should be painful.
It's one thing to be ignorant.
It's another to so proudly display it Mr. Anderson.
Birds actually are the closet descendent of dinosaurs.
Who knows? In a million or so years your descendents might actually be rational humans capable of critical thought!
Nature is an amazing thing!
It's amazing what can happen over 4 billion years
This just shows Mr Anderson doesn't know chicken-shit about evolution.
Your ignorance of Science is stunning. ( and Laughable if it weren't for the fact that you seem to actually have others believe you).
The DNA material is being sequenced and directly compared. Clearly the dinosaurs and chickens share commons sequences of DNA or another close relative would have been suggested. The claim is based on EVIDENCE. Something lacking in the biblical world. A simple analagy that you might comprehend is that it is like comparing the list of all phone numbes from the same city a few years apart. There will be lots of exact strings of phone numbers that are identical interspersed with new information. What is clear by comparison though is that the two lists came from the same city. To carry the analogy further phone books in the same state would share strings of phone numbers of the state government agencies......and all cities in the country will have common numbers for the US Government...
Your characterization of the scientists making up the comparisons is laughable. DNA sequencing is now proven science and easily supercedes any of the tired old "gap" arguments.
An interesting note is that the bible that you hold up in your video "evolved". Legions of editors have changed it, trimmed it and shaped it to fit the ideas of different eras.Human intervention changing the "word of God" is dubious.
Stupid people laughing at things they don't understand.
Must be Creationists.
I doubt very seriously you are brave (or smart) enough to post this.
Mr Anderson, your grasp of the concepts about which you speak is truly astounding.
Dinosaur to chicken, with humour:
Goodness! Even when Mr. Anderson evokes Godwin's law, he somehow gets THAT wrong too!
(The quote he refers to was from Goebbels, not Hitler himself.)
So not only is all of his biology 100% wrong, his history is incorrect as well.
Praise Jesus!
None of that "artwork" is original. The restorations of Tyrannosaurus are taken from other artists without credit. Honest contest you've got going here.
HAHA, in his video he shows a basic misunderstanding of middleschool science. Its almost sad.
HAHA, in his video he shows a basic misunderstanding of middleschool science. Its almost sad.
HAHA, in his video he shows a basic misunderstanding of middleschool science. Its almost sad.
HAHA, in his video he shows a basic misunderstanding of middleschool science. Its almost sad.
You know, by mocking what you so clearly do not understand you are only making creationism look even more moronic than it already does...on second thought, carry on, you're doing a better job of humiliating yourself than any rational person could do for you.
I think it would be best to say, with a cool head and rational tone, exactly WHY Mr. Anderson is, to put it lightly, wrong.
But first, I point out that I have a relatively extensive knowledge of geologic time as well as information on the fossil record involved in this discovery.
I urge all of you to look further into the fossil record and look at the obvious similarities between birds and dinosaurs (particularly Theropod [meat eating] dinosaurs). Start with Archaeopterix, and word from there. Notable examples of these similarities are a half-moon shaped bone in the wrist of some dromeosaurs (raptors) that allow them to fold their hands. Modern birds share these bones and the ability to fold their wings as such. The afforementioned Archaeopterix, considered the "missing link" between birds and dinosaurs--and also shares traits with the modern Hoatzin (it lives in the Amazon. Feel free to look any of this up, it's all there.)I guess the most striking resemblance is the development of FEATHERS on many dinosaurs, including dinosaurs directly related to Tyrannosaurus Rex. In fact, some evidence suggests that juvenile Tyrannosaurus actually had feathers, or at least a downy coating.
Now, birds actually existed alongside the dinosaurs, notable examples being Confuciusornis, Hesperornis, and Ichthyornis. So, technically, Tyrannosaurus is not the direct ancestor of the chicken, but instead that they share a common ancestor somewhere along the line. Probably one of the early coelurosaurs. (Again, feel free to look any of this up.)
So what have we learned.
A) That there are STRONG evolutionary links between Dinosaurs (such as T-Rex) and birds (such as a Chicken).
B) That the EXACT wording to Mr. Anderson's little tirade are fueled by misinformation and flawed logic, and that when one looks at the proper scientific concepts behind the statement are actually more sound than Mr. Anderson claims.
Again, I urge all of you (if you have not done so already) to look up any of the concepts, terms, and ideas presented to you in this section.
Peace and Love,
My entrée for the contest is:
35,000 views at Stumbleupon:
Alkso see:
Wow. You really are an embarrassment.
For those who can't be arsed to kill your brain cells watching this clown perform, it basically distills to "Hurr hurr hurr, I don't understand science and therefore its findings are odd to me."
It's galling to see people so unashamed, of their ignorance and so utterly incurious. If you were born 500 years ago, I don't doubt you'd be doing similar shtick about Galileo's ridiculous notion that the earth goes round the sun.
Watching your video was one of the saddest things I have seen. Your argument is based on your, and by the sound of it your audience's, inability to comprehend basic science and English.
Birds did not evolve from T-rex. No one with even a basic knowledge of evolution would say it did. Birds and meat-eating dinosaurs have a common ancestor. Because they have a common ancestor modern birds and meat-eating dinosaurs have similar anatomical features: s-shaped neck, a wish bone, and three-toed feet with a rear facing spur to name but a few.
So sad.
These comments are making my day. Only a gullible evolutionist imbecile would equate rational critical thinking with mindlessly believing everything some guys in lab coats say as gospel truth.
Thank God that He and His word never change and will be around forever. In 100 years all the evolutionists of today will be long dead and in hell and the lying scientists of the year 2111 will be pridefully laughing at the archaic stupidity of the "cutting edge" science of 2011. Ah, such is life.
If he had been a trifle more honest, and incorporated the latest evidence - that dinosaurs actually had feathers - the pictures would look less ridiculous.
Genesis 6:14 And God saw that the t-rex would not fiteth upon the ark and changed it into a chicken. And the apatosaurus was sore afraid.
Yes, these comments have made my day as well. It's nice to see so many people standing up against the foolish ramblings of this ignorant, deceitful man.
Evolutionist imbeciles? God's word never changes? ...please tell me that post was just a troll.
You would think that God would be pretty angry of his followers that fail to respect the total beauty of the human experince--that includes science and evolution. Did you fools really think that God would create something so simple that he would have already given us the answer?
No...that is what science is for. And no matter how much poorly created MS Paint copy/paste jobs you do; you're still living in ignorance of proven scientific facts. I feel bad for the children in your congregation-your denial of modern science is handicapping them of a bright future as a scholar of education. (Well--education is only for atheists unless you go to
Liberty U--right? LOL)
Duh, my brain hurts just thinking down to this level.
"Thank God that He and His word never change and will be around forever. In 100 years all the evolutionists of today will be long dead and in hell and the lying scientists of the year 2111 will be pridefully laughing at the archaic stupidity of the "cutting edge" science of 2011. Ah, such is life."
You forgot to mention that the scientists of the year 2111 will be laughing even harder at the small amount of people that are sitting with their eyes closed in one of the last remaining churches, desperately clinging to the notion that there is a God, and that he cares about them.
Hahaha most of these comments are so funny. You evolutionists really don´t know anything do you? There was once a shared ancestor for the birds and the dinosaurs, and that has been proven and yet it is still just a theory. Lol!
this is all there is to it (taken from the jth2d-comment):
"Now, birds actually existed alongside the dinosaurs, notable examples being Confuciusornis, Hesperornis, and Ichthyornis. So, technically, Tyrannosaurus is not the direct ancestor of the chicken, but instead that they share a common ancestor somewhere along the line. Probably one of the early coelurosaurs. (Again, feel free to look any of this up.)"
This is actually nothing more than boasting, you have knowledge of terms used in paleontology, wow, and that somehow proves that we (and the rest of the things on earth) are all just products of a huge coincidence and some, possibly random, evolution over thousands of years, all happening after a "big bang" in space that somehow made all the chemicals needed to make the wonders we can see and study in nature. Right. As I said before: LOL! :)
But dear @Anonymous, we don't accept what guys in lab coats say as 'gospel' truth. We do accept evidence, however, which they offer up as explanation of clearly seen natural phenomena.
You believe the Word never changes? Have you looked into the history of the bible you hold so dear? It has changed, and radically, over the centuries. I don't find that amazing, but I do find amazing your ignorance of the fact.
Please, honestly, read a bit more than just the one book. If you're right, it will just confirm what you already think. If, on the other hand, there is some truth in the scientific world...maybe you could change your way of thinking.
It's not impossible. I did it.
It is common knowledge that birds and dinosaurs are thought to be related. This is not a new idea. The latest discoveries are merely hard evidence that seem to support the suspected relationship. Dig a little deeper--beyond that one article--to better familiarize yourself with the topic.
Look at a chihuahua and a great Dane? Would you ever guess that they are the same species? The science behind the dino/bird connection is strong, and does not even suggest that they are the same species, or that dinos evolved into birds, but rather that they are related by virtue of a common relative.
hmm... remember those jocks that would use that same voice to make fun of the "nerds" in high school... yeah they all grew up to be really smart.
Romans 1:19-22 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed [it] unto them.
(20) For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
(21) Because that, when they knew God, they glorified [him] not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
(22) Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
That is just too funny! It makes a good point though. The evolutionists are always trying to tell us that birds came from dinosaurs! Ha!
By the way...all of you protesting this "contest", study your science! There is absolutely NO evidence ANYWHERE showing evolution (macro) is fact. It's theories are pushed as fact even though the evidence is lacking. EVIDENCE! No evidence. Study the facts. Don't rely on what a professor or teacher or show or museum told you. Look for yourselves. You will find the so called "EVIDENCE" nonexistent.
~from a Science major that saw the so called "facts" didn't add up.
"...and that somehow proves that we (and the rest of the things on earth) are all just products of a huge coincidence and some, possibly random, evolution over thousands of years, all happening after a "big bang" in space that somehow made all the chemicals needed to make the wonders we can see and study in nature."
Yep. That's pretty well it right there. I'm glad to see that you're actually starting to pay attention now. Phew.
I'm absolutely flabbergasted. How can you possibly say there is no evidence when everyone rubs your nose in it ad-nauseum. In addition to going back and studying your textbooks check out http://www.talkorigins.org/ as just a little start to the overwhelming body of evidence for evolution. Does your fundamentalist christianity just damage your ability to think logically? Face up to it. Your creationist beliefs are mythology out of a past age.
"These two things look similar" is not evidence. How do you know that one produced the other? Show me a repeatable experiment that demonstrates this.
And you're missing the point that phone books were created by someone with intelligent input.
Your ignorance of science is stunning. You don't even know about the laws of thermodynamics or the law of biogenesis.
And I like how you define evolution as "human intervention." And how you capitalize science but not the Bible because science falsely so-called is the god you worship.
Steve, There's no explanation of the taped up glasses in the clip, so now everyone will think you're a nerd. Haha!
vote on sheer talent people!
Don't vote for "sandy!"
Birds did not evolve from Tyrannosaur. They evolved from other theropods at an earlier stage about 140 million years ago. Tyrannosaurs arrived in the early Jurrasic circa 80 millions years ago. They are two different lines of genetic informaiton.
Please learn some science.
This is one of the most dissapointing excuses for conversation ive seen in a long while. both sides lack (for the most part)maturity, logic, and educated standpoints. if you think that Pastor Andersons views reflect all Christian or even Baptist views, your wrong. im sure theres a reason he is not tied to any affiliation. as far s the scientific aspect goes, if your really educated youll know theres more to the evolutionary discussion than "it proven fact", same goes for the Biblical/ theological side. Being crude or a jerk is not the way to educate people about these matters, and i am dissapointed that Pastor Anderson is approaching this subject in this way. I do believe In Jesus and the validity of the Bible. If you really think that it is so corrupt, i would suggest doing some scholarly work in field, not just looking something up on youtube, same goes for the opposition of the evolutionary stance...please people
This level of scientific ignorance truly astounds, but when you don't understand the basic tenets of evolution, I guess it makes it easier to mock.
Galileo was also mocked for supporting the theory that the earth revolved around the sun, and in the US today, in poll after poll, an embarrassingly large number of adult Americans believe the sun revolves around the earth!
This rampant scientific illiteracy is very worrisome for us as a country and I blame the evolution-deniers. When you are taught that evidence for evolution is just Satan trying to test your faith, you won't pick up that National Geographic article or watch that Nova special, because they might speak about evolution. And when you deny such a large scientific truth, you develop a distrust of science in general.
There's no shame in not being able to *understand* the science, but you don't just get to deny or mock the evidence.
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