45 people attended the Sunday morning service today. I preached a sermon entitled "First Pure, then Peaceable." We had 15-20 people out soul-winning in the afternoon between the services, and tonight in church we'll find out how many people got saved. I personally had 2 people saved while out soul-winning with my son John and one of our other church members, Dave Carls.
We had a great New Year's Eve service and heard sermons from some of the men of our church: Garrett Kirchway, Matthew Stucky, Dave Berzins, Brett Riley, and Victor Tey. We also played Scattergories, Ticket 2 Ride, and other board games while enjoying chips, organic sodas, and chocolate fondue. Then John stuck a toothpick in the machinery of the chocolate fondue fountain which then exploded and sprayed chocolate all over the wall and table.
Pastor Anderson-
I had recently came across videos that were posted on YouTube of you preaching.
Why are you so angry? It seems as though there is some abuse of your position as well as the misuse of the pulpit. Please Steve, get some alone time with God and ask if you are going the direction he would like you to.
pleasure to find such a good artical! please keep update!! ........................................
Good Day Brother Steven Anderson,
My name is Isaac, and I am a 15 y.o. young man in western Canada. I live in an area with churches pastored by men from Hyles Anderson who graduated about 10-15 years ago. I appreciate the fact that souls are getting saved, and that these men are supposedly doing their best, but I am dissatisfied.
And so, I found you on youtube, and ended up sub'ing to you on iTunes. I love your preaching! I love how you are so "bad," how you don't mess around, you don't water it down, you preach it hard for 40-75 minutes, you "err" on the side of being too hard as opposed to too soft, and you are preaching about relevant topics. That is not even to mention your church's soul-winning...how many souls have gotten saved at FWBC in the last 4-5 years? A lot, right?
I am considering to visit your church in a few summers, when I turn 18. I have heard talk of how you guys went on a camping trip or something. If it's an annual thing, would it be possible for me to attend it?
(I sent multiple copies of this message to a number of your addresses; I am having difficulty finding a means to communicate with you.)
In Christ,
Isaac Szijjarto
I am an editor for Christian.com which is a social network dedicated to the christian community. As I look through your web site I feel a collaboration is at hand. I would be inclined to acknowledge your website offering it to our users as I'm sure our audience would benefit from what your site has to offer. I look forward to your thoughts or questions regarding the matter.
Robert Wright
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