Audio Preaching in MP3 and realaudio format from this soul-winning, independent, fundamental, King James Bible-only Baptist Church in Phoenix, Arizona.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Basic Soul-winning Demonstration Video
This video demonstrates how to win someone to the Lord start to finish. This method could be used in door-to-door soul-winning or in a casual situation with friends or family that are unsaved.
Please forward this video on to anyone you know who has a desire to get people saved.
I saw your video on door to door soulwinning. I would like to maybe vist your church one week this summer as sort of a personal seminar on soulwinning. I have knocked doors many times. The church where I attend dosen't do too much door knocking. I usualy don't find a partner on Saturday mornings. I currently do a jail ministry at the Local county jail.
Great comment, Kingjames520! I'm Steve Anderson's sister, and I think it's a great idea for you to visit Faithful Word Baptist to improve your soul winning. I have learned a lot about soul winning from Steve.
I have read the other comments on this video. They are mostly from people who have never knocked on a door and led someone to accept Christ. I personally would like to find a way of getting a copy of that video to train my teens how to be more effective in soul winning. I want to turn them from being an Avon lady or Kirby Vacume cleaner salesman to a real soul winner
Great demonstration -- too bad La Vista Church of Christ, one of the most extensive databases of Bible-based Q&A, still believes in "works salvation" and "repentance of sins." And of course, so do the vast majority of the so-called "Bible scholars" in the Religion & Spirituality section of Yahoo! Answers on which I am a *Level 7* participant with stats of 95% best answers (my user number is AYCrNZEbaa if you don't believe me).
I have been listening to pastor Anderson for almost a year. I somehow saw a link to his sermons and at first I didn't even think I wanted to go there. Then I tried one and liked it. I started listening to his Bible studies and his teaching on soul winning. He is the first preacher I have ever heard present the post trib position which now after reading my Bible I believe is true.
I saw your video on door to door soulwinning. I would like to maybe vist your church one week this summer as sort of a personal seminar on soulwinning. I have knocked doors many times. The church where I attend dosen't do too much door knocking. I usualy don't find a partner on Saturday mornings. I currently do a jail ministry at the Local county jail.
1)Pardon the Cliche, but the Bible is clear Christ's atonement was for HIS PEOPLE (the elect) only. Otherwise, everyone will be saved...
2) IMHO, your explanation of eternal security was excellent...
3) Grace Community Church??? I wanted to see you take away his NIV :D
Great comment, Kingjames520! I'm Steve Anderson's sister, and I think it's a great idea for you to visit Faithful Word Baptist to improve your soul winning. I have learned a lot about soul winning from Steve.
A little question...
What must I do with Mormons and Catholics that claim to believe on Christ?
Great Blog.
I've found a militant atheist if you want to try and help him; he's at:
GBWY, James
(But the vid did seem to be 'preaching to the converted')
I have read the other comments on this video. They are mostly from people who have never knocked on a door and led someone to accept Christ. I personally would like to find a way of getting a copy of that video to train my teens how to be more effective in soul winning. I want to turn them from being an Avon lady or Kirby Vacume cleaner salesman to a real soul winner
Steve is making DVDs of the soul winning video for that purpose. Just send him an e-mail requesting one.
Hey KingJames520,
If your comment was for me, I assume you are of the people who like to say calvinist hate soulwinning.
I'm believe in all five doctrines of grace, and I do soulwin.
In fact, I lead someone to the lord exactly on monday, and had her in church on wendsday (with the Bible I gave her).
So, please be nicer :D
Great demonstration -- too bad La Vista Church of Christ, one of the most extensive databases of Bible-based Q&A, still believes in "works salvation" and "repentance of sins." And of course, so do the vast majority of the so-called "Bible scholars" in the Religion & Spirituality section of Yahoo! Answers on which I am a *Level 7* participant with stats of 95% best answers (my user number is AYCrNZEbaa if you don't believe me).
I have been listening to pastor Anderson for almost a year. I somehow saw a link to his sermons and at first I didn't even think I wanted to go there. Then I tried one and liked it. I started listening to his Bible studies and his teaching on soul winning. He is the first preacher I have ever heard present the post trib position which now after reading my Bible I believe is true.
Hey Raani, what did your parents do to your brother to make him preach so much hate? He needs to have his own door knocked on!
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