Sunday, February 10, 2008

Trip to the snow

A group of people in our church recently went to go sledding near Flagstaff, AZ. If you didn't go on this trip, you really missed out on a lot of fun!


Anonymous said...

To "Irreverend Simon": Pastor Anderson's wife is from Germany so they would know.

ZipperBobWayMan said...

OMG, is that your wife... WEARING PANTS!!!!!!!!!! I could have sworn that you expect all the "common people" in your congregation to wear gender-specific clothing.

The horror of sin, Satan, and hell all in such a cold place.

I've looked at your "church's" (read: synagogue of Satan, KJV) website and your essays and have come to the conclusion that you are self-righteous, arrogant, Pharisee douchebag.

You give the Baptist faith a bad, and even more importantly, you give the Christian faith a bad name. I have never seen such shocking nonsense and bigoted heresy come from one person in my life. I think you might have even passed up Marcion on that list of heretics that God is going to send to hell one day.

Anonymous said...

Pants? She's not wearing pants. She's actually wearing a skirt. Maybe you need to take a look at the picture better.

All do respect but if you do not agree with the way the Pastor does things in his church why do you visit his blog? If I find something that doesn't agree with my beliefs I just don't visit there. You hold the power to choose to visit this blog or not.

God Bless,


Lisa said...

"J Turp", you MORON...his wife is the one in the bottom picture in an off-white jacket and long skirt. By the way, "irreverend simon", you need to Google the German anti-pee-standing-up signs and see how many hits you get!

Miss Mandy said...

I read about your feelings on male do explain supporting Ron Paul in the election? I'm from OR and I can personally say they he IS indeed a gynecologist. Didn't you say they are "perverse" or something along those lines?

Unknown said...

hey there are 2 females wearing denim outer wear. i hope you were soulwinning on the slopes. wee!

Michael said...


Unknown said...

Dear Pastor Anderson,

I want to commend you for your stand for truth and your comments against Perry Noble and “Newspring.”

If you think that church is strange you should check out They actually built a church building that looks like a movie theater! How sacrilegious to build a house of God that caters to pagan culture!!!

In fact their pastor brags about how he models his preaching after modern day, secular comedians! Just check out his blasphemous words -

Stay true to the KJV and your convictions. Just remember the apostle Paul had his detractors too.

Anonymous said...

Great comment about the Newspring Exposed video, John. I'm glad someone else sees what a three ring circus a lot of these mega churches are!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else notice that "irreverend simon" is wearing a clerical collar?--Yet another telltale sign...

Miss Diagnosis said...
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